Aug 31, 2008


What I wouldn't give for someone to have seen from a different angle that which I absorbed through mine.

Aug 30, 2008


To Iliana , for whom I was fated to write this book but for whom I chose to write this book for anyway.

-Gustav Scholst

Paris, april xx87*

*exact year is unknown but '1887' is assumed as carbon dating describes the text as 19th century.

Aug 29, 2008


A decade past the last planet in the solar system Mikhail and Douglass sat eye to eye, desperately trying to gauge whether the man sitting opposite him just received the same notice from back home and, more importantly, whether or not he would be inclined to act on that information.

Aug 28, 2008


"Please," she whispered, her silken mane of rich black hair falling gently past her trembling shoulders.

Aug 27, 2008


It seems at times that I'm static and time is rushing towards me, but every now and then there is a small tear in the fabric and I find myself pushing steadfast towards a future which is firmly cemented in place.

Aug 26, 2008


Her features were spread out wide across her face- the beauty there was that of a desert landscape.

Aug 25, 2008


The rumor actually came from Harold Rather, a dedicated family man and perpetual, part-time detective who let slip that he thought Douglass Gant was schizo while trying to come up with any sort of conversation in the minutes that passed for post-coital bliss with his wife.

Aug 24, 2008


Margaret Leeds turned over what she thought was a seemingly insignificant bit of information to Lizzy Shoals while shopping for leotards at Marshalls.

Aug 23, 2008


She then looked skyward and expressionlessly offered, "we're all just old light, ya know."

Aug 22, 2008


there's this dream; a sort of of waypoint between two other dreams which have now shone their light every three months without fail for the last eight years.

Aug 21, 2008


"Be not afraid" she said, in a voice whose delicate timber was most certainly crafted for the singular purpose of uttering just those three words.

Aug 20, 2008


Thomas Jackson was found bloated and wet lying in the middle of his flat surrounded by the dozens of manuscripts published and those yet unpublished, clutching a little black book with each page covered in blue ink; a single sentence repeated thousands of times, whose three words would become the motto of the New Populist Republic.*

*Walter Huber. 'Nothing to Add'- The New Populist Republic Papers. 1st ed. 2334

Aug 19, 2008

08:19.08:63 the echo of a thought- the one that fades with each passing.

Aug 18, 2008


I realize I'm not without my fair share of personal hostilities- I did, however, once offer this homeless fellow half of an apple.

Aug 17, 2008


I sort of think that part of the problem with, ya know, the thing we're discussing... has more to do with the...well... you know, with the what, and not so much with the...with the why.

Aug 16, 2008


She, with the stone hands and uncontrollable enthusiasm, would try the patience of every last nerve as she took her place behind the keys of the recently acquired Blüthner.

Aug 15, 2008


In september of '74, as per my father's wishes, we mixed his remains with an old stash of Dupont gunpowder and packed the explosive into a 120mm mortar round.

Aug 14, 2008


No, you’re not the biggest douchebag in the world, Bobby- You’re just an ordinary douchebag like the rest of us

Aug 13, 2008


I've got one good breath left and I intend to keep it.

Aug 12, 2008


...and then time will stop and chaos will reign, and we'll float gently down the sides of a storm and drift into the desert where we'll wander unnoticed until we decide we're worth noticing.

Aug 11, 2008


in response to the question: "Do you mind?" the only acceptable answer is a resounding "YES".

c.1964 - chapter 1, sec. 6, part A- An Authority of The Minders by Richard Solomon

Aug 10, 2008


It is without any hint of apprehension that i reach out to touch this most sensitive place, this most celebrated place, knowing full well the reaction- always the same reaction, and understanding that the distance covered with this simple gesture will be greater than the length of words spoken laid out end to end and bringing with it the certainty that she will look in my eyes, take in a deep breath of air, exhale slowly, and believe in us again if even for a moment.

Aug 9, 2008


hers is the only round table which would be somewhat peculiar if not for the circular section of cracked earth directly beneath it.

Aug 8, 2008


There is an expression we have for when you can't quite remember something but I can't recall what it is.

Aug 7, 2008


Her hands are weightless- built for clipping the wings of a canary.

Aug 6, 2008


My voice, it doesn't carry far...sometimes I'm scared but sometimes, ya know, I'm just a little tired.

Aug 5, 2008


she gently rubbed the single blade of grass between her thumb and middle finger, the one with the freshly broken nail.

Aug 4, 2008


you grab her by the hand and make for the window on the second floor and you jump and the glass gives way a thousand times and the car is running and the doors are open and the tank is full and you make for the silver breath of light willing its way through the low dark clouds on the horizon.

Aug 3, 2008


And it was in the bowels of the train, in the bowels of the tunnel, in the bowels of the city that we met the gypsy.

Aug 2, 2008


The explosion most likely went unoticed due to the bombings that were happening all over Berlin at the time.

Aug 1, 2008


her breathing slowed to a graceful rhythm, imperceptible, short of the gentle rise and fall of the landscape of the one thin cotton sheet, dewy with perspiration, and I knew.