Jul 31, 2008


Please disregard all current emergency signals in County Derrick-A... there is nothing you can do.

Jul 30, 2008


Here we have a grown man whose life has all but stopped, drinking in the slow steady drip of insecurity due to one of a thousand, seemingly unrelated, factors all of which, in fact, can be loosely traced though a spider's web of memories to the moment- at 5 years old- he decided to use his bedroom closet for a toilet.

Jul 29, 2008


Cautious and sweating the foul stench of Leopold's last meal they sat to contemplate the impenetrable darkness that neither she nor the hero sitting beside her had, as of yet, figured out how to illuminate.

Jul 28, 2008


Try not to let the door hit you on the way in

Jul 27, 2008


And they instinctively knew it would take some distance from the event to pull that moment from the lattice-work of indefinable chaos which takes over due to the initial shock of discovery.

Jul 26, 2008


Its a secret that passes by all cognitive function and enters the mind through the heart of one's blood, priming the body to act on instinct alone.

Jul 25, 2008


Looks like the lunatic fringe is out recruiting tonight.

Jul 24, 2008


"You don't have a sheet do you... you can wrap me up like a piece of meat n' put me in the freezer"

Jul 23, 2008


Douglass Rent was sure he saw an elderly woman approach the causeway overpass of her own free will only to witness, moments later, a 30 car pileup born from one driver's decision to try and avoid the rapidly falling body.

Jul 22, 2008


The girls were unsettling to be around; the odds of them covering you in kisses or alternatively pecking out your eyes carried equal weight.

Jul 21, 2008


and here was the final thought she managed to scratch into the floor :

"i just handed myself to the universe- my molecules became those that make up the room i am sitting in as well as those that become the meat of the stars in the far reaches of the universe- i am everything and everything is me- in such a state there is no fear because you are that fear as well- there is just the moment- and that moment is peace."

Jul 20, 2008


Your eyes adjust rather quickly though and all at once the atmosphere suggests those kinder, gentler conditions that combined with even a hint of alcohol brings out everyone's best features.

Jul 19, 2008


The modest apartment, littered with notes and stacks of markers, was paid in full by a relative of little consequence other than having left a note taped to his chest, prior to passing, which read , 'Alexi, the flat is yours'.

Jul 18, 2008


Locus, although tired from the unnerving low level hum, presses the heels of his palms deep into the folds of his carbon stained brow, dragging his fingers through his thinning black hair taking with them a few more strands- always a few more strands, and proceeds to discuss with no one in particular the qualifications he once possessed that guaranteed his current position.

Jul 17, 2008


She read to me two lines from a letter she had written a dozen times but never sent- the first line was, "I'm leaving"- I never heard the second line.

Jul 16, 2008


He checks himself, thinking how sad it is that he writes this nonsense, line after line, in his little black pad.

Jul 15, 2008


'causal impartiality' is not a phrase I throw around lightly, mostly due to the fact that I truly have no idea what it means.

Jul 14, 2008


I've no doubt she's teaching the Super a thing or two about testicular voltage.

Jul 13, 2008


According to papers recently unearthed on the adriatic dig, the primary, guiding philosophy of H.R. was that "The path of least resistance is the natural order of things."

Jul 12, 2008


In between the second and third inspection they gathered their wits and proceeded to enact plan 'B'.

Jul 11, 2008


Sometimes even the best laid plans won't get you laid.

Jul 10, 2008


She breathes for the both of us now- (it seems we need so little these days.)

Jul 9, 2008


And the baker walked out of his kitchen, a smeared thumbprint of flour still on his lapel.

Jul 8, 2008


life is an invariably fatal disease.

Jul 7, 2008


so he sits and waits, day after day, for the mailman to come and show his hand upon dropping the mail through the front door.

Jul 6, 2008


I pressed play on the vcr and the grainy images erupted in a rush, faster than the reality they portrayed, as if lingering on any one moment too long might cause them to disappear altogether.

Jul 5, 2008


you know, with a name like that, in a place like this, it's hard not to feel like you are always letting somebody down.

Jul 4, 2008


An unsubstantiated rumor set in motion a complicated turn of events that would eventually lead to the inescapable present.

Jul 3, 2008


In the documentary it was noted that the first task of the BSC code breaker team of women was to learn to break the wax seals.

Jul 2, 2008


And so at the age of forty two, facing, a most likely, rapid decline in memory, I had my name and address tattooed on the inside of my left forearm.

Jul 1, 2008


Their decision to remove every last tree has made walking at night quite unnerving.